Kublai Khan became ruler of the Mongols in 1260. The Swiss canton of Aargau denied citizenship to Jewish residents in 1809. Mexico defeated the French, thwarting an attempted invasion, in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. The Bay View Massacre happened in Milwaukee in 1886, when 14,000 labourers gathered to protest outside the Milwaukee Iron Company for an 8 hour work day. Wisconsin militiamen started firing on the crowd as they walked toward the company's gates, killing 7 people, including a 13 year old boy.
Born today: Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Tyrone Power (1914-1958), Tammy Wynette (1942-1998), Michael Palin (1943), Mary Hopkin (1950), Roddy Radiation (1955), Ian McCulloch (1959), Naomi Klein (1970) and Yossi Benayoun (1980).
It's Men's Day in Romania and Cinco de Mayo in bars all across the US.