12 February 2010


Santiago, Chile, was founded in 1541.  Puyi, the last Emperor of China, abdicated in 1912.  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974 and Carmen Lawrence became the first female premier in Australia in 1990, when she became Premier of Western Australia.

Born today:  Thomas Campion (1567-1620), Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Anna Pavlova (1881-1931), R.F. Delderfield (1912-1972), Franco Zefferelli (1923), Annette Crosbie (1934), Ray Manzarek (1939).

It is Red Hand Day, a day to promote awareness of the plight of child soldiers.


  1. Morning everyone,

    BB- great to see your message last night. Look forward to you being back on CiF with both barrels primed.

    Just reading through the Haiti threads as I have my pre work coffee.

    One can only come to the conclusion that the loons who write this right wing guff BTL get some kind of sick kick from it underpinned by the deepest of insecurities.

    As they type the words, the excitement tightens in their belly, and as they hit 'post comment' the climax arrives as they spurt gallons and galoons of rage semen all over their keyboards before spinning off the ground akin to 'the quickening' in 'Highlander'.

    After which, they experience an intense empty self loathing that can last for hours and can only be cured by repeating the above actions.

    It's the only conclusion I can come to when I read their nihilist shit.

  2. 13th Duke: Do you mean Naomi Klein. Because frankly I think she has one or two thoughts wrapped in drivel. For some time I have been concerned about the 'Sorry' industry and what Klein has done is pick a sad and poignant time in Haiti to unleash what I think is drivel about the West being responsible for the country's ills. Haiti is a complex situation. Klein has used the earthquake and its aftermath to blame the Western world for the country's ills. Personally I think we need to deal with here and now. this Sorry and Forgiveness industry is a dangerous thing and achieves little. Really imagine if you had to say Sorry and make reparations for everything you, you father, your grandfather and their mates did.

  3. morning your grace - have to admit have stopped reading the Haiti threads as the lack of humanity pervading them is just too damn depressing (which also applies to a lot of other threads). while there are posters taking them to task for it, eg on the ESA thread where the humans were winning, sometimes I struggle, as you just know that the response to "but...they're people too!" will be "don't care, they should pull their socks up, why should my hard-earned tax money go to witter witter witter".

    Like the entire national budget is 'theirs' rather than 'ours'. Fair play to the chap writing about the disability assessments for actually saying he'd be happy to pay a bit more to help out people who need it. Feels like that eminently sensible suggestion is radical to the point of heresy for some people...

  4. Ms Robinson -- We do need to deal with the present. Rehashing old conflicts seems to bring new ones. Pragmatism and some courage from the politicos/governments would be a welcome change for most.

  5. I have also made the point on the Tobin thread that transaction taxes are really rather fanciful and costly to administer. I feel this Curtis thing is a gimmick and witch hunt. This is not a good basis for a fairer society. When I was in advertising in the eighties I paid 60% in the dollar top rate. It was high but it was fair and there is no getting around taxing higher earners. Now would Curtis and ~Nighy agree or is their money tucked away offshore.

  6. MsR - ay, and my main issue with a trans tax is that there's no way on earth it would not be passed on, and it would probably be passed on as a general overhead so would be factored into charges / interest rates for all of us... Some of these 'big investors' being pension funds, even a direct client charge would impact on the general public... It simply cannot be 'targeted' - but then again, any other attempt at targeted taxation on financial institions (bonus taxes, capital levy, whatever) would be the same. So why not just charge a higher rate of tax, and put in some solid regulation? It would, as you say, be 'not-get-aroundable' and probably lead to more money in...

  7. @philippaB It's funny isn't it: When I was young and stupid and lucky enough to earn a six figure salary (and spend it all) I don't think I ever thought "Oh the government is taking lots of my money.) Now I wonder if this is because Australia has a good social security and health system and I figured that we all benefit in the end.

    For some reason in this country higher rate taxes are the bogeyman and governments are terrified of them.But they are the fairest and the least costly to admnister. I think we need two new top rates. It's the influx of super wealthy into London in the past decade who get away with it all. But I'm still interested to know how Curtis et al would feel about paying say 58pence in the dollar on their stellar earnings. Sometimes. Philippa B, just sometimes, I find these campaigns a bit galling.

  8. governments are terrified because the public are against it - but only in principle, if you see what i mean. ask people if they would be prepared to pay 1% extra to pay for specifics and you get a very different response than if you just suggest 'higher taxes'. part of this is the confusion over who is 'higher paid' and the aspirational thing - even someone on 30k could oppose higher taxes over 100k because they hope / think they'll earn that one day... part of it is sheer stupidity and not realising that rates apply on bands, not on everything.

    i think the government should just man up and do it, frankly. say - right, no more arsing about with stealth taxes, we're putting 1% on the basic rate, shifting the 50% rate to kick in at 100k, and a 60% rate at 250k. don't like it? leave.

    by the way, we're canning every DTT that allows you to avoid tax on global earnings if you actually live here. worried about double taxation? repatriate the money and only get taxed once. because all the places you've stashed the money are non-EU so you can't go crying to the ECJ.

    and 'you live here' if you own property here, have a UK contract of employment (per IR35, consultants - bite us) or spend more than 90 days here unless you're on a student / job placement that meets this comprehensive checklist. deal with it.

    that would be nice. but it will never happen...

  9. Yes Philippa but it is the most sensible course of action..and that is why they will faff around with stupid unworkable taxes and ignore this. I agree. You know when Bono et al stop offshoring then I'll take him seriously. Sorry but I can't take them seriously now.

  10. Bono? That dutch bloke?
    completely agree with you...

  11. Morning / afternoon / evening / night all (as we are thoroughly globalised now)

    Philippa: That dutch bloke?

    No i think that's me.

  12. MsRobinson

    what Klein has done is pick a sad and poignant time in Haiti to unleash what I think is drivel about the West being responsible for the country's ills.

    Don't you think that this deserves some consideration?

  13. Yes Thauma it deserves consideration but not of the retrospective reparations kind.This sort of thinking, based on guilt is not good for anyone. You can't guilt people into behaving as you think they should. But yes do concentrate on the here and now. My beef with Klein is that I feel she has latterly joined the Sorry industry. I am a great believer in going forward without blame - in personal life, in corporate life, in all things blame does not help get things done. And if we are to follow Kleins line of thinking then where do we stop?

  14. Believe me I don't agree with Worstall or anyone like that. I just think Klein focuses too much on guilt to the point that her argument becomes unreasonable. But yes this is an opportunity for Haiti to go forward though sadly I thought the same about the poor in New Orleans but that is part of a larger problem.

  15. I now must deal with my own anger. A man who has not been honest with me, who has taken me for a sucker, drained my energy. He is blocked and message rules applied but oh god I wish he would explain why he is an arse.

    And why I who am normally so streetwise have acted like a stupid girlie for year.

  16. Hello Ms Robinson, sorry that I haven't offered you a formal welcome and hello, but please know that it is great to have you here.

    Follow your own advice, Ms R: "This sort of thinking, based on guilt is not good for anyone."

    For what it's worth even the toughest of people act like naive little children, sometimes. I'm not particularly tough, but I have often amazed myself at how stupid I am. Good luck and the best of health to you.

  17. @heyhabib Do we ever really learn anything habib? Sorry to get all philosophical but I am deep in depression territory.

  18. Am listening to a piece on the winter olympic protests - one chap from the protestors, one from the local authorities. nobody's yelled, nobody's called the other one a tosser, both have made it clear that they agree with the other on various points.

    it's bloody shocking, these canadians, being all cooperative and constructive.

  19. http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/symptom-recital/

    Courtesy of Dorothy Parker this is where I am.

  20. Do we ever learn anything?

    I think so. Maybe not immediately, maybe not a 'giant leap', but we take small steps forward all the time - and if for a while it feels like we're going backwards, that doesn't last forever. at some point, you stop where you are for a bit, and then start inching forward again.

    maybe that sounds like some sort of sisyphean torment, but it isn't meant to. i try to look around me as i go, instead of focussing only on my 'target'. that way i can take positives along the way, instead of just feeling bad that 'i'm not there yet'.

    boy, i've come over all touchy-feely. that was weird.
    good vibes to all...

  21. Well, but how far back is the cut-off point? Should there be no blame for yesterday's actions? Those of a decade ago?

    I agree that the guilt rhetoric isn't the best way to persuade people that Haiti (for example) needs help, but I don't think we should forget how they got to the dire straits they're in.

    Sorry to hear of the personal issues - happens to us all, eh?

  22. I do agree that Haiti has provided parasitical opportunism for Western Governments, esp US. Is this what 'help' means today?

  23. Ms Robinson, I think we learn to know that we're all prety stupid in some way.

    Very good poem by Dorothy Parker, sadly expressing feelings not unique to any of us.

  24. Hi MS Robinson
    Just a quick introduction from myself, as occasional CiF poster and inccessant you-tube botherer, and representing the "likes to party" wing of the UT cohort. (Ahem.)

    Just a personal observation - I think Haiti has been made weak by constant US undermining. My speculation - and it is no more than that - is that in the US propping up their regimes over the decades, their infrastructure which fell to rubble and dust in minutes, was probably not built to any kind of decent construction code. I would hazzard that the US's sort of direct and indirect interference in governance of that country has had many on-costs, mostly social and economic, but excedingly poorly built infrastructure is also one of them. I may be wrong of course.

    Nonetheless, hi there ...

  25. PS got a stack of work on , so may not be able to respond too much !

  26. I saw Tim Worstall's been mentioned above, I've had a couple of brushes with him the last couple of weeks.

    I had a look on t'net. According to wikipedia, he is the press officer for UKIP. But get this, he lives in Portugal.

    Could you make it up? Pure fucking hypocrisy.

    He's also a real charmer. On his blog today, he makes reference to Deborah Orr's welfare article yesterday when she mentioned she did some low level cheating with the quote:

    ''Why we should be surprised at this I’m not sure. Don’t most people assume that benefits cheats have a heroin addict in the family?''

    A cheap and nasty reference to Orr's husband Will Self who was a heroin addict.


  27. MsR - It is in the nature of arses that they get so far up their own that they are incapable of seeing let alone explaining...

    I'm sorry to read of your angst and hope that it will soon get back in the box. When it does you will at least know that good fortune shone on you for you had the wisdom to recognise the dishonesty and the wit not to have finished up having a lifetime with a liar.

    I'm sure that you are wise enough to know that a little anger is fine thing, it can really help focus on what is important and with luck can help avoid that which is best left alone - bitterness/sourness. Fortunate escapes are to be celebrated along with life itself.

    Refreshing, and I have to say unusual, to read that someone who once enjoyed a six figure salary didn't feel a 60% tax figure was unreasonable - but then 999,999 is a six figure salary too...

    I have a natural disposition that life is best lived in the here and now - but I also know that I won't forget that historical events properly shape unfairness and impede progressive changes.

    When my 40 year old daughter was born I read that the Duke of Westminster was busy setting up a trust of over £2Bn for the benefit of his similarly aged new daughter. I thought then, as I think now, - my kids (and their kids) are in are in perpetual mortgage to that bastard and his ilk...

    I'd love to think that the elegance of my argument could persuade the bastard of the error of his ways but sadly I think not.

    Thus my answer to your query.." And if we are to follow Kleins line of thinking then where do we stop..." is - when I've got the last of the bastards on the end of a rope.

    Of course in so saying I know that Gerald Grosvenor (aka D of Westminster) wouldn't hesitate to shoot me. He didn't take a commission in the Army to learn to shoot grouse...

    Hang on in here - xx.

  28. That's a fine last line to Parker's poem.

  29. @Ms R. Namaste & Sat Siri Akal! If we don't learn from our mistakes, we will probably repeat them...

    But it is good to live, to feel, and open up. I've spent too long cloistered and shut away. We have to risk the lows to gain the highs...

    Love and light to all my Ut pals!

  30. Great poem. Shades of the alienated, enlightened bitterness that occasionally creeps into, er, some of my favourite posts here ...

  31. (Even thought I'm STILL in effing pre mod. Grr)

  32. @thaumaturge I earned over $100,000 a year for about 3 years back in the late eighties. Then I got bored with advertising...I liked the problem solving but not the histrionics..plus creative people always got fired first when we lost an account. It was like Madmen though but I didn't mind and I had a nice life. These days (for past eight years) I freelance and for two years I've broken even, just. But freedom is a good thing. And I never met people earning much more than me who complained about the tax rate but as I said I think the social security and medical system is good there and they have cut down on paying bureacrats.

    Duke, your Grace: Tim can be a nasty piece of work, a know it all who does not know it all. Get him on the subject of former Soviet Union - he spent time there in the nineties so he thinks he knows absolutely everything.

    Dorothy Parker is a genius: Here is my (her) Valentine's contribution:

    "As you lie there in his arms, shivering and sighing
    And he whispers that his love is infinite, undying,
    Lady, just remember this -
    One of you is lying."

    Dorothy was not only very clever but very pretty but her emotional life was not so good.

  33. NOTICE
    First Nth East England Ciffers and UT-ers meet (after a cancellation with the first scheduled date) is Friday 26th February, from 7.30pm at the Cumberland arms in Byker, Newcastle, which is a very CiF type pub...food, music,stand-up,real ales, gin'n'tonic ice lollies,ukuleles,table-tennis,theatre,rappers,quizzes,dogs welcome and even bedrooms.

    Maybe someone'll show up...

  34. AlisdairCameron
    I'll mention it to the Nottingham connection... he's still off line.


  35. Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967) Quotes:

    A little bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika.
    Dorothy Parker
    Brevity is the soul of lingerie.
    Dorothy Parker
    I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true.
    Dorothy Parker
    I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound - if I can remember any of the damn things.
    Dorothy Parker
    - More quotations on: [Quotations]
    I've never been a millionaire but I just know I'd be darling at it.
    Dorothy Parker
    If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
    Dorothy Parker
    If wild my breast and sore my pride,
    I bask in dreams of suicide,
    If cool my heart and high my head
    I think "How lucky are the dead.
    Dorothy Parker
    If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
    Dorothy Parker
    - More quotations on: [Money]
    Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.
    Dorothy Parker
    The best way to keep children home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant--and let the air out of the tires.
    Dorothy Parker
    - More quotations on: [Children]
    This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
    Dorothy Parker
    - More quotations on: [Books]
    That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment.
    Dorothy Parker, 'But the One on the Right,' in New Yorker, 1929
    They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.
    Dorothy Parker, 'Fair Weather,' Sunset Gun, 1928
    The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
    Dorothy Parker, (attributed)
    - More quotations on: [Boredom] [Curiosity]
    I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be writ large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do any thing. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more.
    Dorothy Parker, Here Lies (1939), "The Little Hours"
    Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
    A medley of extemporanea;
    And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
    And I am Marie of Romania.
    Dorothy Parker, Not So Deep as a Well (1937), "Comment"
    - More quotations on: [Love] [Life]
    Men seldom make passes
    At girls who wear glasses.
    Dorothy Parker, Not So Deep as a Well (1937), "News Item"
    She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B.
    Dorothy Parker, speaking of Katharine Hepburn

    Class act.

  36. Evening possums.

    Home early for once. And it's Friday. What a relief. Looking forward to a night with me feet up and a coupla Marston Pedigrees.

    I have kept away from the recent Haiti threads too. There are some sick fuckers about.

  37. Ms Robinson

    "As you lie there in his arms, shivering and sighing
    And he whispers that his love is infinite, undying,
    Lady, just remember this -
    One of you is lying."

    The trick is to know which one is which and nobody ever does until each story resolves itself.

  38. Hiya BB! A song just for you.

    Deano, great quotes from Dorothy Parker, many of which I'd forgotten or never heard before. Was it really her that spoke so cruelly of Katherine Hepburn? Maybe you're allowed to be a little cruel if you're funny at the same time..?

  39. BB,

    nice to see you. Beer wise, this evening I will mostly be drinking Chimay, Westmalle and and la chouffe. Lekker.


    loved your post at 13.41. Wise words.


    I would love to make it down for the Cumberland do but unfortunately I'm busy that weekend. I am choking for a piss up round the Toon though.

    Is the Biggmarket still going strong?

  40. Thanks Habib - and 13th Duke

    Lekker indeed! :o)

  41. It's still there, Duke, but a little quieter (only a little) as the action now also goes on at a place called The Gate (full of bars, stags and hens and fights)

  42. Good to see you BB.

    If the question is - how long does it take for dripping water to wear procrastination down?

    The answer in my case is eight weeks and two and half days. That leaking roof of mine finally got to me and I had to attend to it this afternoon.

    I love the sound of rain on the roof but the drip drip from from the fanlight finally got out of synch with the music on the radio. And the drops were running down my neck as I cooked.

    I was contemplating leaving the problem till the spring or some such-time when I thought I might fit a large glass panel in the roof - (for the viewing of the stars) - and thus two birds with one stone metaphorically slay.

    My decision to incorporate an observatory into my new brewhouse really made the decision for me since it robbed me of a fine excuse.

    habib I adore a lady with a rough tongue, and same for me, there were some quotes above attributed to Parker that were new to me too. That or I'd passed out first time around...

    She was wrong about lasses in glasses. When they are as delightful as our PB it would be a sin not to, and in any event a disproportionate number of lady librarians wear spectacles.

  43. Good to see you BB. Speakin of roughboozers.. Tee hee. I used to run this bar, it was called the Caledonian, and was an education...

  44. Turminder - it looks as though it could easily be hidden behind bales of straw!

    Every man's dream - "a lock in" a public service which ought to on the NHS. Wishful thinking is a fine thing so I'm off to buy a lottery ticket. If I win big I'll buy you the pub!

  45. Gawd no Deano, it was less a pub, more a shoplifters drop in centre! I had lock ins, just not loud partys that attract the rozzers..

    If I won I'd buy the estate my girlfriends cottage is on.. A mansion and 3 cottages a mere £2.2m...

  46. I'll find a way to raise the money Turminder - if I can have one of the cottages.....

    I miss good pubs on my doorstep - I had more than I could count when I lived in Queens park in Glasgow. round here they're crap.

  47. "She was wrong about lasses in glasses."
    And well, I always fancied this one with glasses.

  48. Brilliant Habib,

    "how'dya want yer brandy?"

    "In a glass."

  49. In England they say "Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" whereas in France they say "Femme a lunettes, femme a quequette" - I will let you look it up, but that probably explains why there are more women in France who wear glasses... ;o)

  50. Hello All

    Montana - from last night. I know what you mean about behaviourly disturbed kids. Used to work with some. They had all the free floating anger and hatred seeded into them by the age of 6 or 7 - some even younger.

    Where that hatred finally landed and who it targetted in later life seemed to be a bit of a lottery - although you could spot the woman haters from the get go.

    Some were recoverable - but not all. Many have doubtless joined the BNP or whatever. A couple joined the army and were coopted into special forces! One was turned down by army - reaon being that although personality profile fitted requirements he was not intelligent enough ! This about a 16 year old who dressed up in the English flag and practised bayonet killing on a stuffed guy fawkes figure as a hobby.

    Damage a child - damage the world.

  51. MsRobinson
    re Dorothy Parker poem -

    I have been there, my sympathies and kind thoughts to you.

  52. you couldn't make it up

    ..or in fact you could. It's pretty hard to think of anything these days that isn't already going on. There's not alot you can google and find there's no dedicated group of enthusiasts in Nebraska or Kazakhstan who haven't been doing it for years and hold an annual convention with funny hats.

  53. All this meet up talk - anyone else here from south Wales - living in the back of beyond I am feeling all left out and alone - sobs onto keyboard.


  54. Right...I'm out to get legless. Don't worry...I'm not driven to it by existential angst or the soulless, vapid, degenerate society we live in..I just like getting pissed.

  55. Good yin MF. I'm drinkin 2l of lidl white cider, blind drunk for £1.79..

    I'm in the back of beyond too Leni, but hell, i like it.. :)

  56. That link is absolutely fuxx0rd MF. If they are that st00pid they deserve to have their money taken off them, frankly. Talk about scam.

  57. Hi Turminder

    I love the back of beyond too. Spend a lot of time talking to Dogge - and myself. Trouble is I think I.m getting neurotic - suffer from shopping angst - town angst and spend too much time reading. Feel like a snail locked inside my shell.


  58. Turminder, how did they get away with some of the lines from that film?

    "You've got a touch of class, But I don't know how far you can go"
    " A lot depends upon who's in the saddle."

    "Right...I'm out to get legless. Don't worry...I'm not driven to it by existential angst or the soulless, vapid, degenerate society we live in.."

    getting a taxi, then? Have a good un, blue nose!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. BTW I don't normally read the Telegraph but was alerted to one Toby Young writing that Alexander McQueen had no talent.

    That man is a waste of space who would be nowhere without connections.

  61. Ah, it were a simpler time Habib.. Gotta crash soon, I can feel the turnip juice swelling my liver.. But first this!

  62. Turminder, my bruv, you always make me laugh.

  63. Hasao is as Hassan does... Habib, pra merra,

    Argh, me heartys! Look at this bonny lad!

  64. Have this party types.


    PS I'm off for the forseeable future, so have a great time.

  65. Link's a bust.


  66. PPS That's Lhasa de Sela by the way.


    You heard her here first ;-)

  67. navro
    This one should work



  68. Copying and pasting the link worked, Bitterweed. Glad I did. Thank you.

  69. Glad of that. She lies somewhere in between the Carlos Castaneda books I read and Joni Mitchell.

    Died January 1st this year.

    Major shame.

  70. Got a friend who's always trying to turn me on to loads of different French singers but has never mentioned her.


  71. Nice one navro. I heard her on World Service the last Sunday night about four in the morning.

    The last time I couldn't sleep and was caught unawares by Charlie Gillet's show I heard this:


    At four in the morning. And again: defences *totally* down.

    Champion !

  72. This also good !


  73. Ahh, look what the turnip juice fairy has led me to.

    give it 7 mins it will reward you...

  74. navro, just copy and paste it in hombre !

  75. turminderxuss
    yeh, seen him a few times before, nice one. Big fan of Metheney myself (leave it Thauma !)

  76. Leni where in S Wales are you? I'm in Cardiff but I don't drink :( (health reasons).

  77. Here's some old guy messing around with a film star and a banjo



    PS navro, just paste it right on in ther bud. Hell yeah !

  78. Evening British partying cohorts,

    Morning Ms R and happy official UT's first birthday (as we already have Sat 13 Feb)

  79. turminderxuss s
    Awesome !

    Back in a momoent. damn this is nice...

  80. Got the last one. 'Puter's gone all slow and stuff.

    anne - you can still think :)

  81. ... there ya fucken go !



  82. Anne

    I hour west up the M4 - and then a meander up the valley. Not driking doen't bother me. I'm a birthdays and Christma drinker only.

    Montana has my email - love to meet you.


  83. Happy birthday all! Here's an old favourite

  84. Kottke madness !..



    Doesn't seem like a year. Where's Montana !??

  85. Working now


  86. navro
    this shit is out there.

    thanks !

  87. Right off to the land of nod. Last one. : ) I've played that mandy... He used to be my flat mate...

  88. Hey. Time to party everybody !!!!!

  89. BW tis a class album. Library now.


  90. Not the better album version but still sweet-


  91. Liking the Mark Kozelek thing.

  92. Heard anything by this guy BW?


  93. hmm Liking the Mark Kozelek thing.

  94. Like that one. Does'nt sound Dylanesque

    Reet of to bo-bo-land. Night B


  95. Bob's best was 'Knocking on heaven's' door.
    But only Habib can find it.

  96. Wow ! Takes me back. Wendy and Lisa. Here's this:



    colinthestoat - How goes it compadre ? Been a while.

  97. Yo Bitters dude. Answered you in am thingy.
    It goes tolerable.

  98. Glad to hear it. Right , just got to turn the Wendy and Lisa shit off. Hang on.

    That's better.

    Here's Free !!!

  99. BW: re Free, hell, i remember the trousers! Still got a pair that i can still get into more or less.

  100. Nah nah nah..this is it. Right bed!!!


  101. Heh. Nice one. Here's a bunch of happy go lucky guys called "Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow". They featured a dwarf from Jersey.



  102. Medve, actually the official birthday is 15/02/10. But the party's on 13/02/10 because it's a Saturday and I needed it to be on a Saturday to have any hope of being able to be on at the same time as most of the rest of you.

  103. Hey Montana !
    Happy nearly official aniversary !


  104. happy official birthday party to Montana et al

  105. Montana:

    I realise that you don't have Sat Feb 13th yet, but your blog is pretty globalised, so the party could stretch to a good forty hours all told, what with all the Untrustees in their various time zones.

    So, congratulations to you!

  106. Blackmore's finest


    Happy birthday UT & thanks Montana.

    Right definitley going to snooze.

    Rock on!!!!

  107. One fer aw, an aw few ain.

    Bon nuit mes amis...

  108. Thanks turminderxuss.... that's pretty good.

  109. Not the jobby kaki toly keek thing though. You can keep that.

    Up yer bum choob.

  110. Right

    I'm going to post this again then.



  111. It's actually so fucking great !

  112. BW: but the trousers!

    Luckily i am more Free now.

  113. Oh bollocks I'm still up


  114. Nice effort gents. I am foobarred now. See youse soon.


  115. navro
    Nice link, There's a common theme. Are you one of them ? You seem to be hawking them to death.
    I was one of these by the way. Enjoy me old chum
    Chow! xxx

  116. Look out
    here's the River Man.




  117. One of them? No. Just like the songs. River Man.

