“But it was a treaty, not a constit-“
“No, no, Hazel, the time has passed for all that, long passed.” I reply, “Come this way, we still have Jenny, Boris and Des to visit, they are in the other enclosure, along with the honorary boar – Snowball, a two tonne gargantuan. You Napoleons are going to be the special guests of the feast.”
They are lead onwards, single file, towards the second enclosure. Blair leads, followed by Brown, Blears, Miliband, Balls, Smith, Harman,
“Hazel, you will be first. Not today, but at the end of the week. We, the people, wanted dearly for you all to spend at least a few days thinking about your demise and to help you visualise that moment we brought you here, to the enclosure. We wanted to show you the pigs in advance. Come Friday, it’ll be feeding time. It was the only punishment we thought suitable for the crimes of you honourable members.”
Mandy breaks down, he falls to his knees and wails. Whimpering breaks out along the line. Purnell vomits. Blears maintains her robotic grin throughout, the only sign of inner fright is a twitching, restless hand.
Taken back to their cells, they each sit in solitude for their final days, constantly plagued by images of Bessie and Timmy pottering about the enclosure. Only a month prior they had been forcibly dragged from
That’s the current dream, it’s not quite Martin Luther-King yet but it’s a work in progress.
I cant help but think that one of the major problems with British politics is that the pigs have never been unveiled. Or rather, parliament gave the monarchy a tour of the farmyard in the 17th century, but the people have never extended the same courtesy to our parliamentarians, we have neglected their needs and so in turn they neglect ours.
As i listen to Brown's snivelling proposals for "radical reform", or see smarmy Dave giving a heartfelt monologue on the beauty of the FPTP system, i just cant stop thinking about the pigs...
Next time you read some offensive guff from any of our esteemed representatives you too can calm yourself by going to your "happy place", be it having the honour of personally leading the pig parade, or, as Annetan suggested, burying them alive in a rubbish dump.
For therapy of a different kind, you can read "The triumph of the political class", by Peter Oborne. He apparently writes for the Mail but dont hold that against him. In fact do, but read the book anyway. I was so frothing with primal contempt for New Labour that i was certain i could never again hate anything as much as i hated those ministers, but with the help of Oborne's book i am finding a whole new world of disdain and loathing. If you want to plumb new depths of despair, if you want to find the limits of your disgust, you can do it all with Oborne's help.
"Show them the pigs" works well as a rallying cry, too. Someday, instead of "Aux barricades, citoyens!" revolutionaries will say, "Show them the pigs!"
ReplyDeleteWhat you doing up Montana?? You still on holiday?
ReplyDeleteThe pigs will get them one day.
It is indeed Swifty, they will go from pigging at the troughs to feeding the pigs at the trough.
ReplyDeleteAny guesses on what Fergie is going to do with his £80mil??
That Rowenna thread's still rumbling on, and in true CiF fashion, the original article has been forgotten and the various factions are busy grinding and wielding their gleaming axes.
ReplyDeleteAimeeus has just (8.57 a.m.) taken a particularly hefty swing at the patriarchy - she's even used CAPITAL LETTERS to show how goddam angry she is, godammit.
Sigh. There's so much still to be done.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the Glaser family has its eye on a substantial portion of it.
Ferguson's a lizardy-eyed fucking reptile who can't talk pwoperwy, but he's good at getting the best out of any player who he sets his sights on. £20M would buy him a decent player who he could mould into "the new Ronaldo".
I heard the Glazers said he could have it all for transfers.
ReplyDelete"There's still so much to be done."
Has anyone gone for a "speak out"? Or talk of "brave women"? "daring" to challenge the status quo etc... I love fem buzzwords, all subtly suggesting the sheer fear that our womanfolk live in for venturing beyond the kitchen. BREEZE wll be along soon, i know you remember BREEZE, swifty, majestic strokeplayer and a real crowd pleaser. And she didnt just USE capitals, her goddamn NAME was in CAPITALS!
I havent checked in on Rowenna for a while, i was comfortable that she and Sagar had been thrashed appropriately by the ciffers, particularly AllyF, so i stopped checking in. I like it when that happens, when you cant be arsed to express your disgust at an article but 100 other ciffers can, and eloquently and humorously.
I just posted a Blears pic, it wasnt a weblink but an attachment so i didnt know how to do it other than a full post - though its not for comment, just wanted to share the pic. I got sent it recently. She is so small i find her quite disturbing and unsettling.
My brothers girlfriend went to a protest somewhere and Blears turned up. She said she wanted to scream abuse at her but felt she was so small it didnt seem right, like abusing a child.
Yeah, you got to hand it to Ferguson and the Old Trafford system (lots of ex-Utd men behind the scenes - Crerand, Phelan, Solskjaer, Macari). £12m quid five years ago, numerous trophies later he sells the current World Player of the Year for a cool £68m profit.
ReplyDeletePeople forget what Ronaldo was like when he started.
The thing to remember about Ferguson and Man U is that no player is bigger than the club. Ever.
ReplyDeleteThey'z down wit da pigz!
ReplyDeleteCan't get on to Cif at all today - browser froze immediately when I tried it. Grr.
Got to agree with you regarding Ferguson.
ReplyDeleteI once ran into him, whilst briefly working at Manchester Airport, & he was rather aloof; if not quite rude, with the staff, but quick to get all pally with the police, who were on duty.
Nice to see that people are actually taking Rowena seriously. Personally, the minute I read the bit about how Oxford & Cambridge was the source of our future leaders; together with her stating that all of her friends at the two uni's have rallied round to support her, I just switched off, as the whole thing just seemed so pointless.
ReplyDeleteI think the irony that her pals from Oxbridge were "rallying round" was rather lost on poor Rowenna, bless 'er. It's precisely the behaviour you'd expect from the "old boy/old girl" network, no?
be very interesting to see who replaces Fergie when he steps down, they are quite some boots to fill.
ReplyDeleteWas nice to know Rowennas friends agreed with her, i thought, just confirmed my suspicions that the article was risible faeces.
'Taken back to their cells, they each sit in solitude for their final days, constantly plagued by images of Bessie and Timmy pottering about the enclosure.'
ReplyDeleteExcellent. I would only add that, in order to enhance the days of fear for the big guns, they could be shown the pigs in action first. You could casually toss the pigs a greedy back-bencher and make the others watch. They would then also have the sounds of the terrifying screams to mull over in their cells.
Jay, all very Deadwood aint it?
ReplyDeleteWhich reminds me, whenever I post on a Denis MacShane piece I always try to work in the title of that fine series, it affords me some small amusement in these dark times.
There's one question no one's asked Rowenna yet, as far as I can see from a skim down the comments - why on earth did she apply to Oxford anyway? Had she (gasp!) subconsciously bought into the old trope that attending Oxbridge would enhance her job prospects once she left the dreaming spires?
ReplyDeleteGuys, not everyone from Oxbridge is evil...........
ReplyDeleteI know, it's just the bien pensant ones who've been ushered quietly into the Graun's hallowed precincts who are...
Only joking, of course. I knocked Oxbridge back because it wasn't best for my chosen subject(s), and also because I was looking to move to a big city like Leeds or London (where I ended up, Kings "actually" on the Strand).
ReplyDeleteThat really is a superb idea. It is a work in progress so all input welcome, but the idea of them spending a week hearing the backbenchers gobbled up is superb. They they could *hear* the pigs too. That was one of the reasons i wanted Blears, first, not Blair. She would be a little meal but they would all then have seen a demonstration of the pigs in action. Tony would be last purely because then he'd have to watch all the rest.
"all very Deadwood aint it?"
Whats Deadwood when its at home?
ReplyDeleteOne further refinement, if I may: hold out the possibility that there may be some form of last-minute reprieve for the condemned.
Knowing that there was the faintest chance that they might actually be spared the hogs would inspire hope in the guilty. The experienced jailer would kinow that to truly break them, he would first need to build up hope, then dash it, then build it up again, then dash it... all the way to the final walk to the sty. Even then, it would be appropriate to stage a mock reprieve, and lead the broken MP back to the cell. To begin the process again.
You could spin it out until your taste for vengeance was well and truly satisfied...
Interesting idea, Swifty, i like this. The mock reprieve... It could go on for months... Yes, i like this...
ReplyDeleteJay, A very good, extremely foul mouthed series set in 19th century Deadwood. Murder victims were fed to the pigs. Starred Ian MacShane.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to have had a super mod trawl through everthing on Cif this morning.
I have had a comment, 'shame the Guardian printed this' kinda thing completely disappeared from the Salma thread, it had been up 22 hours.
Others have had lots of harmless stuff from the Steve Bell piece modded.
ReplyDeleteIf applied correctly (i.e. with sufficient subtlety and credibility), this technique will break almost anyone. Only those who truly, and I do mean truly, believe that a better life awaits them in the beyond can withstand the psychological stress which it induces.
ReplyDeleteSalma Yaqoob is a nasty piece of work. I'm trying to find the link to a "humorous" article she wrote about the Islamic State of Great Britain, I thought I'd "favourited" it, but no luck so far.
I'll keep looking though.
Which Hannibal Lecter film was it with the pigs?
ReplyDeleteBy the way guys, I find all this pig talk very distasteful, it's barbaric, the way you're salivating over what you propose to do to these MP's, I mean, no Human being deserv....
Oh wait, continue...........
Oh dear.
Better start thinking about stirring up some more controversy, CiF commissioning team!
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff on her wikipedia entry.
For those of you who've been following pen on CiF
ReplyDeleteI've just recommended on the WDYWTTA thread that he goes ATL with his experiences, if you agree you might want to recommend my post (if you can get at the thread!)
ReplyDeleteWhat's happened to him now?
ReplyDeleteStill locked in a psychiatric facility, (allegedly)
BBC, Blears, today
ReplyDelete"Ex communities secretary Hazel Blears says she regrets "enormously" the timing of her shock resignation - just before local and European elections.
The Salford MP said she thought as two other ministers had announced they would stand down, she could do so without sparking a "huge firestorm"."
So she now claims she wanted to avoid causing a firestorm, despite wearing a badge saying "rocking the boat" and resigning the day before the election. I just dont understand how people can lie so badly and still show their face in public.
The Yaqoob "comedy" piece really was particularly ill-advised.
Colinstoat - whose entry, Blears?
ReplyDeleteGood grief.
ReplyDeleteOn the Salma thread monnie directed me to her (Salma's) wikipedia entry where she seems to imply that the 7/7 murders were, in some way justified. monnie was disappeared too.
ReplyDeleteLike to oblige with a rec or two but how does one get on wdywtta? Cif is working ok for me.
Colin - its on the right hand side of cif main page, What do you want to talk about?
ReplyDeleteI do worry that if the left dont grow up about immigration the BNP vote is going to grow and grow.
ReplyDeleteExcellent comment on Yaqoob, Thaum.
Thanks all,
ReplyDeletepretty much all of pens discussion of his current predicament is on the current WDYWTTA thread, but I and others here have talked to him on numerous other threads. His unique and rather dense style has caused a lot of speculation, an early theory was that he was a Turing machine (a computer/ software package designed to convince people talking to it that they were having a conversation with a real person) but he's more sophisticated than any of the self declared Turing machines on the web: He's either the best I've ever seen (by about 1000%, the others you can catch out in 3 to 5 questions) or he's a real person. He's even recently offered a real name and identity, which from others googling seems genuine.
Jay and I came to the conclusion he's either genuine, or conducting some psychology experiment on us. I for one don't mind taking the risk of being experimented on in that way if the other option is that he needs someone to talk to, hence the recommendation that he gets an outlet.
ReplyDeleteTa, found it.
One more question, Are there any other blogs on this site and how are they accessed? (2 questions)
The "Islamic Republic of GB" piece - fucking hell.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I fail to see how a sane person could argue that 9/11 and 7/7 were *not* the result of US and British foreign policy.
Thanks Jay!
ReplyDelete"Although I fail to see how a sane person could argue that 9/11 and 7/7 were *not* the result of US and British foreign policy."
I'll have a crack, if OK with you?
The fundamental problem is the particularly unpleasant strain of Islam which those terrorists subscribed to. They were not, as some apologist was once trying to argue ATL on CiF, the product of economic hardship or discrimination, far from it, in fact. What they were was believers in a fundamental form of Islam which believes all kuffur are fair game.
It's not a popular view, frankly, and it sits ill with me to hold someone's religious belief against them, trust me on that, but this strain of Islam is very dangerous to us in the West and we ignore it, or try and downplay its influence, at our peril.
Swifty - well, I'll go for a combination of the two. Religious nutters driven to insanity by foreign policy.
ReplyDeleteFunny part is that I seem to remember reading somewhere that the 9/11 bombers weren't at all devout - were seen drinking etc. beforehand. Dunno if it's true, obviously.
Friday afternoon and time to leave work - hooray!
ReplyDeleteIf I catch you before you go - what Western foreign policy were the 9/11 terrorists reacting to?
If I don't - hope you had a good weekend!
"well, I'll go for a combination of the two. Religious nutters driven to insanity by foreign policy."
ReplyDeleteYeah i'd sit in this camp too.
Commanderkeen - good snipe at Sagar on the boards. As for PPE, thats what im doing you rude git (at the OU, not Oxford), and i was far from innumerate, i did Maths A level thank you very much. Cheeky bugger.
Jay, ahem, what I meant was that there are too many PPE graduates getting into politics and not enough graduates of more technical degrees. Does the economics part of PPE involve horrendously complex statistics, as my sister's pure Economics degree did or is it for innumerate people who want to be seen to do economics but don't have the skills? I exclude you from any criticism on account of a maths A level ;)
ReplyDeleteBut christ Sagar is a cock, I knew people like him at uni, student debating societies, politics, etc, hated them. No interest in anything but furthering their career to increase the volume of their voices because they believed their poorly thought out views should be broadcast to a wider audience because they were so great and everything.
Jay, you'd better keep that PPE shit quiet if you ever write ATL. All those Cif Oxbridge youngsters have given it a bad name. They're crucifying Sagar over there now. Remember my little bit of research on Sagar here a few months ago? They've dug out an obscure Pakistani interview about blogging which I read some time ago, and are pulling it to pieces line by line. Catch it before they delete the comments - it's a laugh.
ReplyDeleteHe is totally fucked.
Ha ha, Commander, I've just seen that it was you who 'outed' Sagar's interview. The last time I just used his comments on 'Cif detritus'. You're a hard, ruthless man :0)
ReplyDeleteNo offense taken, i start doing Maths with Economics but then fell out with them over a maths assignment that got lost in post, so switched to PPE.
The way it is structured i am doing phil and pol for my two final year level 3 modules so i dont know what the lvl 3 eco is like, but the level 2 is quite tricky, no heavy maths yet but some reasonably tricky quantitative ideas and descriptions, but without doing the lvl 3 bit i wont see the harder stuff. But the econ i have done with them so far hasnt been anything like as tricky as the maths A level. In its defence, a lot of the economics students i knew from A level would miserably fail with the pol and phil stuff though.
Completely agree on the amount of Oxbridge PPEs in politics, far, far too many.
Scherf - its the OU! The egalitarian Uni that works with the BBC! The Graun will love it.
I am loving the hammering Sagar is getting, i really am. The ciffers have been on form this week, some good group attacks, like a pack of rabbid dogs.
And im out of premod!!
Oh my sometime ngod I am so pissed I an falling over
ReplyDeleteI hope to surv cos I/me think this site an Montana is wonderfull.
The argument is not about the meaning of life it is about the space in which a fine Lady's tits hang.
My very bestial wishes Deano30
scherfig, he's now claiming he can't remember it (and also that his critics are 'trolls'). The amount of self love that boy has you'd think he wouldn't forget any of his seminal works.
ReplyDeleteThis is turning into quite a brutal beasting of old Sagar, wonderful, what a way to celebrate being released back into the wild, and its a friday. Ah....
ReplyDeleteWell somebody as to b honest - I'm falling over drunk (me older protective sister died lastSun)
ReplyDeleteWow that 10 quid off at tesco Glenmorangie malt stuff is quite some at stuff
Best W Deano30
ps Alan Turing is in mny book a special bloke and I have no desire to cock a chap.
'Which Hannibal Lecter film was it with the pigs?'
ReplyDeleteIt was Hannibal (2001). Verger trained them up in Sardinia or somewhere, and then dispatched them in vans ready to eat Lecter. Terrifying scenes of the hogs, but I can't find any clips.
This may be worth thinking about, Jay, when you come to work out the logistics of the operation.
Aw come on Jay, the egotistical twerp deserves all he gets.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to head on over Sagar-wards now. 3 pints of cider under my belt, boss is out of the office, gotta love Fridays.
ReplyDelete@ Jay
ReplyDelete40 years ago, as a young wild eyed working class tossere, I came to understand what PPE really meant.
It plainly would have divided me from those I loved.I could never have left them and I have always been glad that I never did.
My very best Wishes Deano30
Or rather...
ReplyDeleteI would head off Sagar-wards if CiF didn't keep making my browser crash.
Ah, thought it was just me that the Cif demons had decided to crap on again. I'm getting more & more convinced that if they didn't have all the bloody awful advertisements the site might actually work.
ReplyDelete@ Jay
ReplyDelete40 years ago, as a young wild eyed working class tossere, I came to understand what PPE really meant.
It plainly would have divided me from those I loved.I could never have left them and I have always been glad that I never did.
My very best Wishes Deano30
Be convinced, GP01.
ReplyDeleteThose ads crash IE6, which I'm forced to use at work, on a regular basis. Firefox handles them better I think, but the site would be much improved if it didn't insist on loading all the ads before the comments.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, that's very likely true, but the Scott Trust alone cannot fund the Guardian's web activities on top of everything else. They have to take capitalism's web dollar or we wouldn't have CiF.
Deano - i am still managing to retain good family and social relations despite reading PPE, is it really such a problem? For my phil so far i have studied some fantastic stuff, Mill, Rousseau, Locke, Descartes, covered all sorts in politics, some fairly crude economics, why would this put a strain on social relations?
ReplyDeleteThe world needs another corn-fed, self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing blogger.
ReplyDeletePaul Sagar..I salute you
ReplyDeleteChristmas can't come early enough for me, at least as far as that big fat turkey's concerned.
@ Jay
I'm npt far away- just too drun k to explain for now.
PPE Oxford?
... on the other hand they may have deliberately sabotaged the site to save Paul Sagar from making an even larger fool of himself than he's managed thus far.
ReplyDeleteLord help us if this is the calibre of mind that politicians rely on for their research.
No such luck I reckon Swifty, Sagars are probably protected species over in Cif-land.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it will be interesting to see what topic he can attach the 'Paul Sagar - Up and coming, Outspoken, Media Pundit' project to next.
Chrome seems to handle Cif fairly well.
ReplyDeleteJay -- to answer your question way up top -- yes, I'm on summer hols until 25 Aug and my sleep pattern is really messed up now. I'm a night owl by nature, so I've been up until 3 or 4 or so most nights. Then I end up sleeping for a few hours, then up again (like right now).
It strikes me that giving these young, privileged, talentless fuckwits space ATL might not necessarily be a bad thing. It's immensely entertaining for us as they utterly expose their mediocrity to a tough crowd. And perhaps their egotism and total lack of self-awareness might take a bit of a hit (unlikely, I admit). They might even cry at how beastly we are.
ReplyDeleteThe likes of Meltzer, Sagar, Davis etc have now had a little glimpse of real life outside their comfortable bubble. And I suspect that even the Guardian might eventually recognize them for the nonentities they actually are, and cease to employ them. Although I won't hold my breath.
"PPE Oxford?" - not quite, OU.
ReplyDeleteMontana - you'll be able to get involved with some cif lynchings then, good stuff. Sagar has taken a real pummelling.
Scherf - you're right, i dont really mind them publishing these numpties, the poor quality is offset by the abuse they receive.
Me neither scherfig.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is, as was pointed out by rapideddie, is that practicaly everyone at the Guardian is cut from virtualy the same cloth, in regards to the comfy bubble.
They're hardly in a posistion to be questioning, for privileges they also enjoyed.
Instead, they'd rather people the barricades against the nasty hordes.
Again this shows the hypocracy of a Newspaper which regulary asks us to question our countries attitudes and privileges, yet turns tortoise when somebody says "umm..well what about you lot then?"
Sorry to hear about your loss Deano.. Hope the whiskey is helping a bit... x
ReplyDeletecommander... do be careful on the sagar thread won't you dear...
ReplyDeleteI luv u Kiz - she (Edie and her sister Elaine) was special)
ReplyDelete*hugz* Deano x
ReplyDeleteK - I am all the warmmer for your love
ReplyDeleteI don't post on Cif often these days, but I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed the savaging of the Guardian's Oxbridge connection on Sagar and Davis' blogs over the last couple of days. That all these self-absorbed early-20s oxford graduates can just waltz out of university and straight into a paid gig writing 'comment' for a national newspaper really boils my piss. So thanks for the laughs, to RapidEddie & AllyF in particular.
ReplyDeleteBloody BT broadband had its, ever more regular, failure earlier on, so I seem to have missed quite a bit.
ReplyDeleteMarina Hyde's got another belting piece out again. One of those ATL contributors you always look forward to reading & well up to expectations. One only wonders why they give room to such literary & journalistic nobodies as Sagar, Wowena & the like when they've actually got writers of this calibre on staff.
BTW Scherfig, bloody good contributions on that thread.
Hey Matt! Long time, no see, as they say. Perhaps one day Rowenna & Paul will marry, thereby sparing two other unfortunates the misery of having to do it.
ReplyDeleteOh don't be too harsh on Rowenna she's not all bad..
ReplyDeletehere's a nice song for all the cross patches...
For Trolls everywhere...
Sagar should know that when a nice class of person does this sort of thing it is merely youthful high spirits, when oiks do it we are talking fascist thugs.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I generally found sagar non offensive. Until today. What a total arse.
ReplyDeleteAnd to echo AllyF over here - yes enough Oxford Student Politics!
Quite like Kia though.
In other news, has anyone been following the Meredith Kercher trial? I noticed that someone mentioned the awful Bindel, She Is Innocent as a Woman wouldn't Do Such A Thing article... I am pretty convinced of her (and his) guilt. Not to open the can of worms that is FOA.
Also my kitten has a hernia... He doesn't seem to care himself but it's going to cost me a hundred and thirty quid! But I have to do it. Poor sod is getting his balls chopped, a microchip and his hernia fixed all in one go. I felt soooo very bad about the vaccinations... He will so guilt trip me about this. I feel evil.
Don't worry Original he'd make you pay anyways.. it's always the way with puddytats... evil but irresistible..
ReplyDeletethe malk! kiz.absolutey.rules
ReplyDeletegenerally relevant...
Good track kiz :-)
ReplyDeleteLike the pixies, though I always get confused by the Caribbean/Car rib ean (if that makes sense) issue (probably not)
The kitten - mylo - is a bourgeoisie little thing, having stolen and loved some smoked salmon I had. And now he is drinking gin from my G&T.
Have a link in return (my rellies band hehe)
Hey Bitterweed are you still about?
Oops correcting an error - of course the kitten didn't just steal the gin from my G&T (that would be some trick)
ReplyDeleteAnd ooh drunk a fair amount of wine tonight - Kiz, much prefer your measures, half a kilo or so. Happy times.
Have a good weekend all.
And Deano30 - my sympathies and thoughts.
Ahh could do with a smoke too...
ReplyDeletekiz, these guys are always relevant
nite nite kittehs...
ReplyDeletethx, GP01, one of the few things I've got a bit annoyed about lately for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAnd, kiz, I won't tell you again about those links - it takes about two minutes to learn it and then you can do it in your sleep (drunk or sober). Get with the program - you're not reaching your audience.
Oh.. I dunno a few will check em... they won't be able to resist my charms drunk or sober... I reckon..
ReplyDeleteAnd I promise the next time I'm sober I'll sort it..
But not now!
Sorry sherfig - i actually know how to do the links, but I'm a bit drunk and very lazy and kizbot did it first (so she did).
ReplyDeletekittehs kiz? thats what my kitteh was called whilst i worked out his name.... have you been on icanhazcheezburger recently? i bet you have. you are an agent of basement cat so you are (kilos of wine!)
And now a bit of loveliness from Nick Cave doing Leonard..
I'm never going to admit to an icanhascheezburger habit...
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't me!
kiz said 'And I promise the next time I'm sober I'll sort it...
ReplyDeleteBut not now!'
Soppy hour now..
I'll vote for ya Kiz, but for now, just got in & got to go to bed - see you round yeh ?!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWT5-WaaAGM
ReplyDeleteOK, guys'n'gals, here's how to make a cool hyperlink. I can't spell it out for you here because, guess what? If I did, it would be a
I'm on one... forgive me...
back on the upbeat...
btw, I'd love to hear all those songs from kiz and bitterweed and anonymous BUT I'M NOT GONNA CRASH MY BROWSER AGAIN!
ReplyDeleteTry this
Nce, kiz.
ReplyDeletejohnny cash hurt
scherfic, this is nice
Positive thinking, folks. Never give up.
ReplyDeletejean-jaques goldman