31 August 2012

30 August 2012

28 August 2012

26 August 2012

23 August 2012

22 August 2012


Thought we might at least have a look at him! lightly younger image too!

20 August 2012


Ecclesall Bierlow Workhouse

18 August 2012


Is this chicken trying to cross the road?...

perhaps it needs help!

17 August 2012

16 August 2012



Hunger  the world's most  solvable problem.

15 August 2012


Thought I'd put up a new thread - where is everyone? On holiday?

13 August 2012

03 August 2012


The UTs resident scientist has hung up herm waders and is moving on to wetlands new. So we're sending our warmest good wishes for the future to Dotterel Charadrius Morinellus, PhD.

Always ready to take a stand - What makes me angry?

On equating national security and civil liberty - What a liberty

01 August 2012


Cardiff Bay peacefull and beautiful, but no coal and far fewer jobs.